Sunday, December 12, 2010

Well, people it's time for another entry. I always feel like I should only write when I have something extremely important to say. But if I only went by that rule I would never write. I guess I'll talk about this weekend. Mom & Dad came up and babysat while brad and I went to a Dave Mathews and Tim Reynolds concert. Very good! I always have a ton of fun when we go see Dave. Mom and Dad stayed for the weekend. We had fun hanging out, eating, and just enjoying each others company. All this fun has made me even more excited for our Christmas celebrations!


  1. Haha! If we all waited for something really important to say none of us would ever blog. It sounds like y'all had so much fun with Mom and Dad. I am so ready for Christmas too so I can see everyone and see all Bethany's new things that she's doing!

  2. We sure had a blast being there. Every time we are together I feel I get to know Brad better and love him more all the time. You 3 are my treasures in Aurora! Can't wait till Christmas and do it all over again.
