Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Last Days of Childless Bliss

I know my title sounds like I'm am dreading the birth of our girl but I'm not! The last few days I've been thinking about how it won't be just me and Brad anymore. I know I'm trading up for something far better but I have loved the time that Brad and I have had together as just us. I don't think we would be able to have the kind of family we want if we hadn't spent time enjoying each other and learning how to be a married couple. Now we can start another part of our lives together with a strong relationship. We are both so excited to meet our baby and I think one of the reasons is that it will be another great memory to share and adventure to experience together. So let the childless days come to an end and bring on The Days of Child Filled Bliss!

Just some pics to keep it fun: Brad took me to Krispy Kream for fresh donuts! They were just what a pregnant couple needed! Yummy!

Those of you who have been pregnant understand how the last few weeks are. I have felt very large and slow. It seems that getting off the couch or out of bed has become a work out. This watermelon sized belly is really starting to cramp my style, yes I mean that literally. I have about 3 outfits that I can go out in public in that still fit, my legs are covered in stubble because I can't reach them and my toe nails have been sorely neglected because the thought of even trying to reach that far is painful!

Thus, I've been thinking about all of the things I can't wait to be able to do again after Bethany is born. I realize that some of these won't happen right away but I can still dream about them! Here are just a few:

Wearing jeans without elastic!
Drinking a nice glass of wine!
Walking up a flight of stairs without breaking a sweat.
Eating sushi!
Being able to stay in one position comfortably for more than 15 minutes.
Having a smaller waist size than my husband!


  1. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. Be sure to think about that list while you are in labor. It will help a lot!

  2. Mmm, I love sushi. I think we will need to go get that soon. I can't wait to hear the news that Bethany is here! Congrats guys! i'm thinking about you!

  3. Wine and sushi in the delivery room!!! LOL! I think I am going to have a margarita machine in mine.

  4. Bethany will be here before you know it and you can start on that great list of things to do and enjoy.

  5. Just an addition: My nails look WORSE than this and I am not pregnant. What does that tell you. I think my legs have stubble too. Way TMI I am sure. haha Oh yes, if you are wearing jeans with an elastic waistband...... don't let EJ find out. I have been duly warned about such behavior.

  6. AHAHAHA! I hope he was only refering to pants not specifically made for pregnant women!
