Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family Reunion and More

Here are a few things that happened at the family Reunion this year:

One of the great things about family is that they are so generous! Thank you to all who put together the baby shower and loaded Bethany up! This was just one of the many activities we all enjoyed at the reunion.
I think my favorite thing to do is to sit on the porch and talk. Here are the Skidmore girls and Chrissy chatting it up!
Dad and Uncle Paul seem to have a lot to say as well. ;)
David and Maddy getting to know each other.
Jennifer, Jan , and, Janet in the kitchen.
Grandma and her famous enchiladas!
Today Dexter Fowler (outfielder for the Rockies) came to the Sports Authority by our house so I went over and got a baseball signed! While I was in line a took this picture. He was very nice and seemed to be pretty normal. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe more of a rock star attitude.... It was fun to get to meet a Rockies in person!

Here is the last bit of news. I'm starting week number 37 for this pregnancy. Wow! It's amazing how fast this whole thing has gone by. I'm so thankful that it has been an easy time. Brad and I are nesting like crazy right now. I feel like I still have a hundred things to do before Bethany arrives! Today is make dinners and freeze them day! Brad has cleaned and rearranged the house. Pets and furniture have been moved. I could give birth any day now but I have a feeling it won't be for another 2 or 3 weeks. Let's see if this first time Mom really knows anything about her body! HA!


  1. Good pics. You look ready to explode. I hope you are not too miserable. When you are trying to get through labor just think about how great it is going to be not to be pregnant anymore. That is what got me through labor with Maddy. You are smart to freeze dinners. Wish I could bring you some!

  2. You are definitely on the ball. I can't wait until Bethany is here. We will all wonder how we ever lived life without her. I think you have grown since last wk, although they told you at the midwifery place you had not. In one month, I bet we will have our newest addition to the family. : )

  3. I love the pictures! That one of Grandma is especially good. Excited for you and praying for you guys this month!

  4. Great seeing you at the reunion! Looking good!
    Brittany Joyner
