Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fast Forward!

A lot has happened this week! We spent a couple of days trying to get caught up from vacation. Mainly laundry and yard work. Then I had a baby appointment. They decided to move our due date up to the 4th of Sept! It was originally set for Sept 22nd but they said because the ultrasound showed her to be so big they didn't want to risk me going to far over my original due date. This way if I am late they won't be as worried. So, I guess now we can expect Bethany to possibly come 2 and a half weeks earlier! I was a little freaked when they first told me this because in my mind I instantly lost a month to get ready! Now I had to fast forward everything and plus we barely will get through all of our child birth/prep classes. I guess it will all be very fresh in our minds. Ha! SO... here is the latest picture of my growing belly. Do I look 31 weeks along? Remember, that means I only have 9 weeks left!


  1. 9 weeks!! Oh my goodness! Don't worry because I think we'd just gotten Maddy's room painted right before she was born. Maybe some clothes in the dresser. ya'll are way farther all ready than we ever were before Maddy got here. Maddy's PT at Scottish Rite is 31 weeks and ya'll look about the same size.

  2. I think the belly is telling us that you are getting pretty close. : ) Good luck on all the classes.
