Friday, July 9, 2010

More Baby Stuff

Well, We made it through our first childbirth class. The lady who ran it seemed pretty down to earth. If you remember our last experience with the Nutrition class the teacher was all hippie and very much against anything not organic. I think this will be much more beneficial, especially since we are new to having kids. They had a lot of practical advise and we even got homework. We are supposed to try and figure out what position Bethany is in and mark it down. They want her to be head down in the next couple of weeks. I think she already is so no worries there. We also got these questions to answer about what we expect childbirth to be like. We are supposed to answer them separately and then talk about the different ideas we might have. We will have three more classes this month and 2 more different ones before the first of Sept. I have a feeling I might start to feel like I live at the birthing center.

I remember when Holly was pregnant and how she talked about her belly bumping into things and getting in the way. I think I can now understand what she was talking about. Tying my shoes is starting to get a little tricky. Also, I have noticed that the shirts I wear have more stains by the belly region than normal. I have already teased Brad about how I'm going to make him shave my legs pretty soon!

Here's the latest picture of me. From what they tell me I should be gaining a pound a week so by the next time I post I might be way bigger! It's grow time!


  1. Time for Bethany to grow, grow, grow! Time for Mommy to stretch, stretch, stretch.

  2. Glad the classes were helpful and not weird. That will make it easier to have to spend all that time at them. Haha on the belly stains. I hear ya sister!
