Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Brad and I decided to try growing a garden this year. You saw the pictures of the fence Dad and Mom helped us put up. Now its time so check out what's growing! This is our squash. It is doing the best at this point. There are 3 plants so it looks really big. We should be getting some soon because there are lots of blooms!

This is the beans and peas. Some of them got eaten by ants. Hopefully they can make enough for us to enjoy.

Our tomatoes are doing pretty good. This one has a few tiny green tomatoes on it!

Finally the lettuce. It is still very small so it may be too hot for us to get anything. We shall see.
And that is our garden! We also have grapes, peppers and flowers but I'm waiting till they get bigger to show you them. It has been so fun to have enough room to try this out. I loved getting stuff out of our garden growing up and can't wait to enjoy what we get now!


  1. Wish our garden looked this good. We may be heading up to get in on the goodies. : ) Enjoy! You have worked hard on making this a good garden.
