Sunday, May 22, 2011

Catch Up Time!

So many things have been happening and as usual I have done a horrible job keeping up with them. Bethany is growing so fast and right now she has started to do several new things. I have been trying to take more pictures so I can share them with you.

It is finally warming up so our daily walks are a little more enjoyable. Bethany has graduated to her stroller. She loves it.
My little 8 month old is starting to scoot around. She is very good at rolling but the wood floors have been giving her trouble when she tries to move on her tummy. She has improvised and now propels herself backwards across the floor with her arms. It's pretty funny to watch because she can get herself into some unusual situations. One time she backed herself under the end table and couldn't get out. It didn't seem to bother her too much.

Dad and Mom came for a visit this weekend and so we took her outside to check out all the green grass.

Bethany can sit up good. Every once in a while she will still topple backwards. She loved pulling the grass and trying to eat it.

Granddad got the idea to see if she would try to walk. Bethany loved standing but couldn't quite figure out how to put one foot in front of the other.

Here are a few more of Bethany's accomplishments since the last time I wrote:

We had to move Bethany's mattress down because she can push up so well I don't want her to figure out how to pull up one night and fall out.

I have been working on signing to her. I think she is starting to recognise "finished" (when we change her diaper) and "more" (when we are eating). I have picked 9 total that I will eventually try to teach her.

Bethany can say a few sounds that she associates with different things. "DA?" is dog, KKK for cat, Dada for Dad, and if she is very sad mamamama for mom.

1 comment:

  1. she's precious! I can't wait to see her this summer...she'll be so old and super fun! Know you're loving being at home with her. Keep the pictures coming!!!
