Bethany will be exactly 1 week old at 10:30pm tonight. I thought I'd share her birth story with you since it was at this very moment last week that I was in labor with her.
It was about 7:30pm. I was sitting on the couch watching the rockies when I started to feel kind of crampy. I had felt this before when they had checked how far I was dialated so didn't think much of it. About 10 minutes later the same feeling came over me again except this time it was stronger and longer. That's when it hit me that "these might be contractions!" I quickly gave Brad a text to let him know I thought I felt a contraction. He was at work and wouldn't get off till 11pm. The contractions kept getting stronger and longer as the hour progressed. I knew that this was the real thing now so I called Brad and told him he needed to come home. I had this feeling that we were going to have a baby before midnight.
By the time Brad got home I was pacing in circles and trying my best to keep it together. He called the midwife to inform her about how far I was along. When he got off the phone he said the midwife told me to take a bath. I looked at Brad like he was crazy and said, " I 'm not taking a bath! Take me to the midwifery place!" So we waited another 30 minutes which to me seemed like forever. The contractions were to0 strong to pace and I knew Bethany was almost here.
Brad packed up the car and called the midwife to let her know we were coming. That was a very painful car ride. Sitting is not a good position to be in when you are in the process of birthing a child.
We arrived at the midwifery center. I somehow got myself in the tub and about an hour later we were holding our precious baby girl! After about three hours of labor, Bethany was born at 10:30pm on September 10th, 2010. She weighed 8pounds, 6 oz. and was 20 inches long. We are both so happy to have our baby girl!